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Learn How Adults Can Benefit from Occupational Therapy

Learn How Adults Can Benefit from Occupational Therapy

In 2022, more than 70 million adults in the United States reported a disability for a wide spectrum of reasons that ranged from COVID-19 fallout to arthritis. 

If you’re facing a health challenge that’s impacting your quality of life and your ability to function, our goal through our occupational therapy (OT) services is to shift the focus off of your disabilities and, instead, focus on your abilities.

The team here at Celebrations Speech Group offers OT for adults  — meeting them where they’re at and helping them to move forward.

If you want to learn how occupational therapy can improve your life in the face of a mental, behavioral, or physical health challenge, read on to learn more.

Occupational therapy definition

The term occupational can be confusing as many assume that “occupational therapy” must be a program designed to help you work. This is not at all the case — OT is designed to help people function in their everyday lives, no matter what that looks like.

The American Occupational Therapy Association describes OT as an intervention that “Uses everyday life activities (occupations) to promote health, well-being, and your ability to participate in the important activities in your life. This includes any meaningful activity that a person wants to accomplish, including taking care of yourself and your family, working, volunteering, going to school, among many others.”

Each patient’s OT is their own

Given the broad definition of OT we outlined above, it’s hard to describe what exactly takes place during our occupational therapy sessions. 

Each person’s goals are unique and we tailor our programs to each patient’s specific needs and desires. For example, perhaps you’re a father who wants to be able to cook their kids a meal, but you have a health challenge that makes it more difficult than normal. During your OT, we can focus on this goal and find ways to get you there.

Or, maybe you’re struggling with balance issues preventing you from performing a wide range of everyday activities — even getting dressed is tricky. During your OT, we can focus on balance exercises, often in real-life settings, so that you can gain better control over your life.

Who can benefit from OT

We’ve discussed a few scenarios where adults can benefit from OT, but we want to explore further examples. The adults who avail themselves of our OT services are dealing with any number of health issues, including:

This is just the tip of the iceberg, but we want to give you an idea of the extremely wide scope of conditions we can address through occupational therapy.

The bottom line is that occupational therapy can play an invaluable role in helping people to lead happier, more productive lives, no matter their circumstances.

If you’d like to explore whether occupational therapy is right for you, we invite you to come in for an evaluation, during which we can explain our approach in more detail. To get the ball rolling, please contact one of our offices in Brentwood, Stockton, or Elk Grove, California, to schedule an appointment.

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